Webinaire CeRVIM : Raoul de Charette, 14 juin 2022

Webinaire CeRVIM : Going beyond 3D to estimate the scene geometry and semantics

Raoul de Charette
Scientifique de recherche, INRIA Paris

Webinaire CeRVIM, co-modal
14 juin 2022, 14h
Lieu (présentiel) : PLT-1120 en personne
Zoom (virtuelle) : https://ulaval.zoom.us/j/64359268203?pwd=U0lzaGFvNWJTNW1zWDFzbitMbzZCZz09

Estimating scene geometry and semantics is a prerequisite for visual systems to interact with our physical 3D world. Because they are largely intertwined, these two cues are better estimated jointly.
In this line of research, I will present some of our recent works that estimate the complete 3D information either leveraging 3D data with lightweight 2D backbones, or using monocular 2D images. Beyond the visible scene parts, we will see that additional insights can boost estimation of the occluded areas.

La présentation sera donnée en anglais et les diapos seront en anglais.